So we assembled, 6 powerful teammates, coming together to complete the quest we've accepted!
- Build the bridge with the highest strength to weight ratio (most weight prior to breaking vs the weight of the design).
- Bridge may not weigh more than 50 grams.
- Bridge must span a 12” gap.
- Bridge must be at least one toothpick length wide.
- Bridge must be at least one toothpick length in height.
- No more than 8 toothpicks touching in parallel at any point.
- Materials:
- Construction Materials:
- One pack of 800 Count “Royal” toothpicks.
- Glue guns and glue
- Fabrication materials:
- cardboard and wax paper to prevent glue mess.
- graphpaper to layout design.
- Keep your workspace clean!
So our team got together and using the packs of toothpicks we created a structure like the one exemplified in the figures below.
We used at first wood glue (grew impatient with the drying time required) then switched to hot glue guns.
We built one side with this structure
Due to time constraints, we knew we wouldn't be able to finish our original design on time, so we improvised!
What we originally intended as a side piece became the surface! However, when in standard bridge position, our bridge buckled under the empty box. Somewhat discouraged, we attempted it upside down, trying ANYTHING to get it to work.
Surprisingly, it worked beautifully! Our strength ratio was 15:1, way more than anything we had expected from our underdog toothpick bridge!\
This challenge was really valuable in learning something about time management and productivity!